Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Parson Gives a Sermon

So in the end, it was up to me to tell,
The sum up of the Canterbury tales.
But i am not one to entertain, so
I'll give you the guidelines on how to sustain
a life of holiness,a life that is pure
free from glamour and a life so demure
But you will be rich of something greater,
so you'll be sorry now rather than later.

I'll share a great sermon that will enrich your lives.
And all of the followers shall dive
into contrition, confession and satisfacton
so in the eyes of God you'll be of great attraction.

The two types of sin is the effect of competition
for dominance of the flesh and of the spirit.
Self -destruction takes form in 7 ways
and in the end, it will shorten your days.
Envy, wrath, sloth and,greed
not to mention, lust and gluttony.
But of them all pride is the worst,
for all the others stem from this human curse.
But with Humility, Contentment,Patience,and Fortitude
God will Have mercy upon you.
And with Mercy, moderation and Chastity
You'll recieve great blessings from thee.

But not before you orally confess,
will god be openly willing to bless
And once you apply these remedies to your life,
You will be at peace and satisfied.

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